Last Week in the Wilderness 21st June

wild about play
wild about play outdoor nursery forest school putney wild flowers


It was a wet and wonderful time in the wilderness last week, with our explorers making full use of the rainy weather to learn, explore and play in the forest!

Water and Science

With the excess rainwater, it was the perfect opportunity for some water play this week. Our children created their own boats out of paper and used a box filled with water to see how our boats floated. We learned that different materials float and sink, and then tested our hypothesis by adding leaves and flowers to our boats to see how long it would take for them to sink. These scientific interests and experiments give our children the building blocks to explore more STEM projects as they reach school age and ask questions and then work out answers for themselves. In keeping with the water theme, our explorers found long thing sticks that were easy to peel due to their dampness. We then connected string to the ends and created our very own fishing rods!

wild about play outdoor nursery stem subjects learning outdoors eyfs

Testing our hypothesis with different boats in the water!

National Writing Day

To celebrate national writing day, our children had a fun time creating their very own books out of paper, string and sticks. They then dictated a story to go inside which our educators jotted down, leaving room for the children to practice writing their own names and drawing complimentary images below. Once our stories had been written down, the children took turns sharing them. We also used sticks to do some mark making, writing letters we knew into the mud! Our explorers love creating stories, drawing on real-life experiences, and building a world that challenges and inspires them.

wild about play outdoor learning nursery forest school story scribing mark making literacy

Creating our very own stories in our handmade books!

Music and Motor Skills

Music was a huge factor this week as our explorers created their very own band! Using sticks, logs and pans from the mud kitchen, we had our very own drum kit that everyone enjoyed playing! We also enjoyed singing songs and doing dances together, allowing our creative energy to inspire one another, leading to lots of laughter! The children were also extremely practical, helping the educators set up tarps by using wooden mallets to hammer in the pegs to create our very own tents over the benches!

wild about play outdoor play learning forest school nursery imaginative play musical instruments

Enjoying learning the different sound each “drum” makes!

We love seeing our children collaborate, inspire and explore together in the rainy forest – we can’t wait to see what this week brings!


4 + 11 =

Building lifelong cognitive foundations for physical and mental health Wild About Play Forest School Nursery

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